A Message From Coach Wendy
Unequivocally YES! "Yes what?" you may be wondering? Well, quite simply yes to you, young Queen... The time has come for you to intentionally embrace and nurture all that God has stored inside you "for such a time as this" -Esther 4:14.
Hi Royals, Princesses and Queens-To-Be!
If you're reading this, WELCOME, and I hope that you too are already saying yes. I'm Coach Wendy and I'm honored to potentially meet and work with you in the near future. I am a woman on a journey of constant progression - never perfection - and that's ok.
I'm a mother to a beautiful daughter and son and to one Angel Baby, which led me to establish and lead 'Lighthouse' which is a weekly grief support group for Angel Mommas. Through God's grace I was able to turn my pain into a passion to help, and my goal is to help you be the best you possible!
I love food, organization, traveling and I have a special attraction to castles - no wonder I relate so easily with and appreciate so greatly Queen Esther, her journey and what she represents ;). As a woman, a mother and aunt to two beautiful young girls I have an unwavering desire to foster and boost inner strength, bold confidence, self worth, Godly values, genuine individuality and a reverential fear of the Lord in them and you - the women (and Queens) of the future! It is my prayer that we all progress into the Royals God intended us to be; constantly utilizing our gifts and talents, developing our strengths and embracing our weaknesses.
Life, Young Queen, is an unpredictable journey but I pray that just as was with Queen Esther, God may bless you too "to win favour in the eyes of all who see you" -Esther 2:15...and of course have lots of fun and smiles along the way!
Coach Wendy